1. Make sure you have a computer and an internet connection.
2. Start browsing the sites you love. And go further afield too, seek out new places of worship (sorry, I meant retail...!). You can do this by entering the relevant words for your search into a search engine. Say you wanted green dungarees (which I know you don't it's just for example's sake) you type in those very words and abracadabra a list of sites that sell these will appear.
3. You can narrow down your search by including a place name as well, plus other words like 'cheap' or 'party', or whatever's appropriate to your enquiry.
4. Making your choice. You'd think that t'internet would be the place for impulse buys, wouldn't you? And that we'd all be broke by now, having spent all our spare cash on impulse purchases. Well, strangely, internet shopping generally doesn't work like that. Knowing that you don't have to buy on the spot like you would in a shop, and having the freedom to pop back anytime to the site means that in fact impulse buying is rare. It also minimises mispurchases. I have - not yet anyway - ever got something online and thought wait, it has to go back. Not once.
5. Once you've perused the available evening dresses online, and made your choice, it's a simple matter of filling in a few details, making the payment, and then waiting for the postie. Simple as anything.
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