Monday, 29 November 2010

Fashion in extreme winter

A lot of snow about lately. A lot of sub zero temperatures. So, easy to feel decidedly cool, but how to look cool?

The first thing to do is forget about anything other than practicality. You might want to go to the army and navy stores and pick up a heavy military coat. Go for boots rather than shoes. And when the snow turns to ice, make sure that whatever footwear you're wearing has a good grip on its soles. Cos it's going to be slippy time soon.

Other than that, heavy wool jumpers are big anyway right now, so stock up on them.

The siberian weather isn't going to disappear any time soon, say the newspapers. So make like you're from Novisibirsk (Russia's third-largest city, located in Siberia) and wrap up well, whatever it takes.

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